AppWorks School workshop for non-developers 非工程師的軟體入門指南工作坊

Allison Chen
Apr 26, 2024


I went to AppWorks School’s one-day workshop last Saturday. It was designed to help people who aren’t developers understand what software development is and how to break down tasks like developers do.

One of the key takeaways was understanding the API format and its relation to HTTP, along with learning about Developer Tools available on browsers. This one-day workshop helped me understand each action and where the data on the user interface comes from.

The workshop taught me how to get a rough idea of how hard a requirement is and how different user flow designs will change how developers build a feature request.

Thanks to AppWorks School for organizing such an insightful workshop!

上週末參加 AppWorks School 首次開的“非工程師的軟體入門指南”一日工作坊,雖然過去為瞭解寫程式的概念,自學過 Dart, Python, 也讀了 API 不同參數的定義,但為何格式長得跟 http 一樣,還有雲端環境、伺服器、與前後端資料存取的流程,還是沒有很完整的架構去理解。

工作坊中釐清了基本軟體開發概念,不用再說著似懂非懂的話來跟工程師溝通,也練習到網頁開發者工具的使用,API 回應確認,還有分組做需求拆解。透過提問,可以即時獲得解答,更能體會流程設計也會影響到工程師不同的拆解方式。


如果已經很會拆解需求,甚至會寫大量測試案例的 PM 不需要這門課,其他非工程背景的 PM ,如果遇到團隊中沒有 TPM / SA,或各種 UX flow 可以一把抓的設計師,可以考慮這門課。



Allison Chen

AgeTech | Marketing Analyst | Brand Supervisor | Product Owner